Re an app to help with mushroom ID (really any nature ID) is Seek by iNaturalist. Point your phone camera and it will give a fairly accurate identification of that mushroom or tree or bird! Lots of fun on a walk.

With you on watching that hearing, I had the stomach for Jonathan’s five minutes and about it. Also Rep. Bean was very bad at chairing a meeting imo

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Bean was terrible because he could be–the fact the only witness he didn't talk with in advance was Jonathan tells you a lot. The Hamas question directed at the Jewish member of that panel has been haunting me (J and I are friends, so I knew he was involved on this panel before it happened and I know he got a LOT of coaching from folks about how bad this was going to go and none if it his fault...but somehow, it was even worse).

Thanks for the app recommendation! I might try it out because this is my favorite time to nature walk and I'm trying hard to take advantage of it.

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A movie suggestion: Polite Society. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt18257464/

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Oohhh. Do you know if it’s streaming? We’ve got Prime, Netflix, and I think maybe Hulu.

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